Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fall at the Farm

About a week ago, we went to see "Grammy O" and Harvey at the farm.  Earlier this year we went to the farm for dinner and to go fishing.  We saw the pumpkin vines growing and even saw some little pumpkins starting.  Riley was VERY excited about Harvey's pumpkins and was talking about them a lot.  Then a few weeks ago, Grammy O called to invite us out for dinner and to tell us that there were pumpkins that needed to be picked!!  Boy was she right!!  Harvey had TONS of pumkins in his little patch and they were all perfect!  They boys thought it was SO cool to have their own pumpkin patch where they were allowed to pick and take home unlimited pumpkins!  The picture above is of the biggest one in the patch!!  It was TOOO big to take home with us!  But we did bring home plenty (see the pic of our van all loaded up!).  They boys also got to climb on the combine and play with corn.  Riley even got to ride in the combine and do some real harvesting!!  As the boys played outside and picked pumpkins I got to hold and cuddle my first nephew, Layton.  He is SO sweet and I loved holding him.  So you thinik that means we need another one???? NOPE!!  I'm perfectly content holding Layton ;)  I do want to babysit him soon though!! Overall, the consensus is that Fall is a Fun time for the Farm!!!!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

18 Months!

Kyler is now 18 months old!  He had his "well baby" checkup at the Dr today and everything looks great!  They did an autism screening and a developmental evaluation and he is right on track for everything, well not for autism but to NOT have autism!  :)  He is 31inches long (14th percentile), 21lbs 11oz (5th percentile), and his head circumference is in the 70th percentile.  He is a little guy with a big head apparently :)  Doc and I have no concerns! 

He is a smart kiddo and says MANY words.  The doc asked me to list them off and stopped me when I had said about 50 and could keep going!  All the while Ky is also rattling off any word I said plus more.  He is a good eater and eats with a fork and a spoon totally independently.  He does NOT like to be messy so he wipes his hands often throughout a meal.  He has started potty training and is doing very well staying dry during the day.  He is consistenly going #1 in the potty and trying to get #2 down but doing pretty well for 18mos!  Ky's favorite foods are mac and cheese, green beans, and sr. cream and onion pringles.  He also loves to dip on his chips but that is a special treat!  He is not a big sweet eater at all but does get excited for his "canny" after going potty!

Kyler is one ACTIVE boy! He climbs all over everything and goes up and down stairs (walking) totally independently.  He climbs ladders on playgrounds and goes down slides of ALL sizes all by himself.  He plays great with Riley (usually...) and thinks he is a big boy.  If he gets knocked down, he gets right back up and keeps on playing.  Occasionally, he comes to me for a kiss on his "bonk".  He is loving playing with cars right now as well as outside.  He loves to ride bikes!   Another favorite of his is bath time.  He is now also enrolled in swimming lessons once a week and loves that as well.  He is going underwater and can climb out of the pool all by himself and go down the BIG waterslide!

It is AMAZING how quickly this 18 months has gone and how he's grown.  We are going to Vala's pumpkin patch tonight to celebrat his 1.5 year mark.  We are going to get some "punkies" as Ky would say!

Happy 18 months Kyler, We Love You!!!!!